Navigate in editor by using left mouse (horizontal), right mouse (rotation) and both (vertical) . Mouse-wheel (distance horizontal). With this method, use high camera speed
Alt and mouse for staying looking at object.
Ctrl + right mouse : move object y-axis (green)
Ctrl + left mouse : move object x -axis (red)
Ctrl + both mouse : move object z axis (blue)
Ctrl + Shift …… Camera will follow the object
Space bar : rotation mode, scale mode….
copying: Ctrl C / V, Ctrl + W, Alt
Select blue axis and end, object falls on the ground
Edit mode: Ctrl to select a point. Alt to extrude face
Alt to duplicate
H to hide objects, Ctrl H to make all hidden object visible again
G shows how the scene looks in game mode
F zoom to selected object
V to vertex Snap
Alt + MMB temporarily offset the pivot
F11 full screen
F2 Rename object
CTRL + B Find asset in content browser
CTRL + P Open an asset
END drop mesh to the floor
L + Click to add a light
CTRL + 0..9 = set bookmark to viewport
0..9 = Jump back to bookmark
CTRL ZOOM zooms in further
First select material then load geometry
With BSP textures, select all faces and choose align in the proprieties box.
Mesh, duplicate mesh, place on the proper location and replace by proper mesh.
Size of objects 5 10 …same as the grid
Ctrl G to make a group
Ctrl Shift G is temporary ungroup to take out one part. Finish with Ctrl Shift G again.
CTRL + [0-9]. Save current location and zoom level in the Blueprint Editor.
SHIFT + [0-9] Return to that graph at that location and zoom level
m and left mouse : multiple node
v and left mouse : vectorparameter
1 and left mouse : constant
T and left mouse : Texture
L and left mouse : Lerp
M and left mouse : Multiply
S and left mouse : scaleparameter
U and left mouse: TexCoord
Connection: Double click on line for reroute node
Connection: alt and left mouse to disconnect
Connection: Ctrl and left mouse to change connection
When pulling variable in with Alt = set node with Ctrl get node
Drag Node over existing Node to replace the Node
F7 compile
F2 rename
CTRL + SHIFT + F Search in All blueprints
Ctrl Move BP Connections
Ctrl 1 bookmarks camera position, with 1 you will go to this position
Left Mouse Button to raise the Landscape height and Shift + Left Mouse Button will lower the height of the Landscape
With landscape : change lod in details to increase performance.
47.48 min. In a function, never reference directly to content (material for example), because all referenced contact will be loaded with the BP. Reference with a variable.